

The men and women in leadership at Valley Chapel love, care and pray for every person in the church. Feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to speak with them.
Pastor Bob Howard

Pastor Bob

Pastor Josh Howard

Pastor Josh

Pastor Matt Norquist

pastor g

Pastor Matt Genese “Pastor G”

Bob Howard- Pastor Bob has served as Lead Pastor at Valley Chapel for more than 30 years. He and his wife Sharon have four children and ten wonderful grandchildren. Pastor Bob loves people and always enjoys conversation and fellowship. He also serves as Chaplain for the Uxbridge Fire Department. A passionate shepherd and gifted preacher and teacher, Pastor Bob seeks to equip people to live the full and holy life to which God calls us. Contact Pastor Bob
Joshua Howard –Associate Pastor of Ministry Development, Josh is responsible for overall leadership and support of Valley Chapel’s staff and lay leaders as well as our tech teams  and outreach ministry.  He and his wife, Kerrie, have three young children. Contact Pastor Josh
Matthew Nordquist – Associate Pastor

Hello from Pastor Matt! I used to be able to dunk a basketball, but now the highlight of my day is enjoying a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee with my wife Jenny. We have two boys: Thomas (7) and Wesley (4). I enjoy building forts in the woods with Thomas and coaching Wesley’s soccer team. I love to learn from God’s Word and share its eternal truths with others.

Pastor Matt has served as the Pastor of Student & Young Adult Ministries at Valley Chapel since 2017. He graduated from Cedarville University in 2017 with a Bachelors of Arts in Biblical Studies with minors in Youth Ministry and Greek. Pastor Matt was ordained as an Elder in the Church of the Nazarene in 2020. He is currently pursuing a Masters of Divinity with a focus on Youth & Families from Liberty University. Contact Pastor Matt

Matt Genese –  Pastor Genese serves as our Associate Pastor of Worship and Online Community. An accomplished professional musician, Pastor G  has extensive pastoral experience as well service as a missionary in eastern Europe. For the past several years he has taught Bible at Whitinsville Christian School. He and his wife Cydney have three children. Contact Pastor G
Alice Legg

Valley Chapel Office Administrator

Alice Legg
Alice and her husband Rob live in Uxbridge, and between them have six young-adult children and one delightful grandchild.   Alice enjoys helping others,  outdoor activities, machine embroidery, quilting, reading and hanging out at home with her family and cat. Contact Alice

Administrative Assistant

Sharon Howard
Sharon serves in purchasing, database administration, and all-around detail person. Gifted in hospitality, Sharon has been married to Pastor Bob for more than 40 years. She loves serving others and spending time with her ten wonderful grandchildren.


Erin Tubo

Director of Valley Kids


Erin Tubo is entering her ninth year as our Children’s Director.  She oversees Sunday morning classes, Vacation Bible School, and Children’s Bible Quizzing.  She also directs our Lighthouse Homeschool Co-op. 

Erin lives with her daughters Claire and Natalie, a fiesta mini-poodle Lucy, and geckos Mango, Bandit, & Goober.  She loves doing puzzles and has a passion for Scripture memorization.  She thinks broccoli is super gross.

kelsey kingman

Kelsey Kingman

Kelsey Kingman serves as Assistant Director of Children’s Ministries.  Kelsey works in scheduling and is the contact person who oversees staffing and care for our little ones. Kelsey is married to Joshua and they have a baby daughter.