Chris and Trudy Spoor
Life Group
Location: Church – room 121
Day and time: Thursdays 7:00-8:30pm
Frequency: bi-weekly
Start date: October 8
Status: OPEN to new members
Trudy is a retired teacher and Chris a retired pastor. We have both been active in racial reconciliation when we served a church in the Chicago area.
TOPIC: Recognizing and Healing Racism
The first meeting will be on Thursday, October 8. The group leader will introduce the topic for each meeting after which the meeting will be an open discussion. The objective will be for participants to recognize their own feelings, hopes and fears relating to the turmoil in our country. Also we will seek to discern what the scriptures teach or imply about race. Since this is a “life group” we need not be limited to just the proposed topic, but will also be open to share praises and concerns with each other. We anticipate meeting for about 12 times every other week.
                                 Any questions? Join this group? Send an email to Chris/Trudy.
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